How to find us
Calle Maestro Amado 31
Olvera, Cádiz, 11690 Spain
GPS Coordinates
Latitude: 36.934209 Longitude: -5.266975
Latitude: 36° 56' 3.151" N Longitude: 5° 16' 1.11" W
Driving Directions:
Finding us at No31 is very easy.
Simple Method:
Drive uphill to the top of the town, towards the Fortress and the Town Hall (Ayuntamiento) and once you can't go any higher, just before the arch, turn left and you will be driving down Calle Maestro Amado. No31 is on your right hand side.
More detailed directions:
Approaching Olvera from the west (Seville, Jerez de la Frontera):
Exit the A382 and follow the signs into Olvera. Follow the road up into town until you find the round-about, go straight over. Proceed up hill and follow the road around to the right and then to the left on Calle Pico. Turn right at the T-junction and turn left almost immediately onto Calle Maestro Amado, don't pass under the arch into the town hall square. No.31 is ahead on your right.
Approaching Olvera from the east (Málaga, Antequera):
Exit the A382 and follow the signs into Olvera. Drive straight until you find the round-about, proceed straight over and follow the road up hill and a sharp turn to the right, proceed and then turn to the left on Calle Pico. Turn right at the T-junction and turn left almost immediately onto Calle Maestro Amado, don't pass under the arch into the town hall square. No.31 is ahead on your right.
This means that when you stay with us you have amazing views and an easy walk to the Castle and the Church.
It also means that you will need to drive up to the house on the rather narrow and steep streets. All sizes of cars and lorries can manage this drive, but some drivers might find it daunting.
It is also possible to drive to the house,and if no parking is available, drop off your bags and park in the areas described previously.
Nearby airports include: Malaga, Seville, Granada and Jerez de la Frontera